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In the old early internet days of Dimensions Forums, circa 1998, I discovered the writings of Wilson Barbers, one of the Founding Fathers of the fantastic weight gain literature -or fat magicke as he likes to call it.

Digging inside his literature BODY SWITCH called promptly my attention, and I was immediately in love. BODY SWITCH can still be read here at Wilson's DeviantArt.

So I decided, -back then, under his blessing-, to start an adaptation that I called ERIN'S WEIGHT GAIN CLASS. Sadly I never passed page 2 and the unfinished comic stayed unfinished ...until now, 24 years later.

ERIN'S WEIGHT GAIN CLASS narrates the story of Lynn Flobbers versus Erin Reynolds, and an impossible body swapping between an indulgent, apparently sweet and obese lady and a strict, trim and terrible fitness instructor. Appearances are deceptive, folks!

Enjoy the ride, lads and gents. THE VINTAGE COMICS RESUMED and THE WHOLE DEAL tiers patrons will be able to read it in comfortable BIWEEKLY updates on Sunday night (midnight) while this story unravels.

THIRD INSTALLMENT featuring page FOUR. Page FIVE next November the 20th.

Regards from Buenos Aires,

Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 1998/2022
Artist Age: 26/49



Matt Ries

I wonder if Lynn likes sleeping in the nude or she did it deliberately to mess with Erin-Lynn? I can't remember if that was mentioned in the story or not.


It doesn't mentions it and I'd love my opponent see herself fat naked in a first glance if possible!

Victoria Gold

I just notice lol Erin is the little chunkie girl in the dance dance revolution comic