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In the old early internet days of Dimensions Forums, circa 1998, I discovered the writings of Wilson Barbers, one of the Founding Fathers of the fantastic weight gain literature -or fat magicke as he likes to call it.

Digging inside his literature BODY SWITCH called promptly my attention, and I was immediately in love. He's said about it:

"My second self-published WG story, “Body Switch” was first printed as a booklet in 1992. Like “Balloon Lady,” with which it shares some affinities (note Carla's 2nd cameo), it’s a tale of comeuppance – with a haughty physical fitness type undergoing both a change in frame and a change in attitude by story’s end. It also is the first story where my dynasty of white witches gets named; take Shari and Harriet’s last names, and you’ll have the name of a writer who’s been a major influence on my fantasy fiction."

BODY SWITCH can still be read here at Wilson's DeviantArt.

So I decided, -back then, under his blessing-, to start an adaptation that I called ERIN'S WEIGHT GAIN CLASS. Sadly I never passed page 2 and the unfinished comic stayed unfinished ...until now, 24 years later.

ERIN'S WEIGHT GAIN CLASS narrates the story of Lynn Flobbers versus Erin Reynolds, and an impossible body swapping between an indulgent, apparently sweet and obese lady and a strict, trim and terrible fitness instructor. Appearances are deceptive, folks!

The original files were lost after a computer hard drive crash I had back in the 2000, only the files uploaded to Fatlane Online, and friends from the community who kept them allowed them to survive. I didn't even get the chance of a re scan because I also lost the original hard-copies on paper, no idea how.

Oh my!

Then enters GIGAPIXEL AI, a free AI based software I recommend for resizing ANYTHING you can think up. I was able to resize the files 4X in order to digitally enhance the pages and later on partially re draw them.

It was no easy task though, but now you can ENJOY a full quality ERIN'S WEIGHT GAIN CLASS... and see how it resumes and -eventually, non-stop- finishes with a bunch of NEW PAGES all 2022 fresh but imitating the almost quarter of century original ones!

Also, alongside the old remembered and celebrated LYNN'S STATS solo illustration I thought it would be great to have the same done for ERIN'S STATS! First tip of the new iceberg.

Enjoy the ride, lads and gents. THE VINTAGE COMICS RESUMED and THE WHOLE DEAL tiers patrons will be able to read it in comfortable BIWEEKLY updates on Sunday night (midnight) while this story unravels.

FIRST INSTALLMENT featuring page ONE and TWO plus both main characters sheets! Page THREE next October the 23rd.

Regards from Buenos Aires,

Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 1998/2022
Artist Age: 26/49



Matt Ries

24 years, can't believe it was that long ago. A adaptation of a Wilson Barbers story by a FA comic master, the next few months is going to be fun.