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A Fat Admirer girl and her artist friend visits the Dice Game facility in order to execute a special revenge while having a blast. Featuring the newbie Kimberly Owens, Geena the Dice Game Keeper, Roxanne, Veronique and ...myself. Yes, myself. The 2010 Jay Tee version at least.

That is the premise of DG4, the next step into one of the most beloved weight gain sagas, voted here to be retaken and resumed...

TWENTY FOURTH INSTALLMENT featuring the page TWENTY FIVE! Last one of this 4th Part, end of the series.

THE VINTAGE COMICS RESUMED and THE WHOLE DEAL tiers patrons enjoyed DG4 in comfortable BIWEEKLY updates on Sunday night (midnight) while this story unraveled.

And oh boy, it did! I can't believe it's now water under the bridge of creation. It's been a wild ride and I hope all of you enjoyed the tale.

A NEW POLL to select the next VINTAGE COMIC RESUME story is undergoing as you read this. Will determinate the next comic for the following months to come.

Thank you very much for listening and supporting! Catcha' all with the resulting VINTAGE CLASSIC COMIC next, Sunday October the 9th.

Regards from Buenos Aires,

Pages: 25
Year: 2010/2022
Artist Age: 37/49




OMG they are massiv


Together forever as giant mountains of lard and cellulite. Rent them out for parties and have people use them as bouncy houses.


What a cute story!

Matt Ries

So two questions. First, is Roxanne complaining because of her concern about her status as the fattest human ever? Second, is this Roxanne and Veronique in 2010 or September 2022?


Haha. Here, my friend: 1, Roxanne just likes cream-n-butter so much that she's complaining about not receiving that funnel-meal as Veronique's ...again. 2, 2010.

Matt Ries

Cool. Thanks for a amazing finale (I assume) of the Dice Game saga. P.S.- How big are Roxanne and Veronique today.


That's something I will allow myself to let covered in shadows (just in case your assumption runs short!)