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Oh! Uh! What an ominous title!!!

Do not worry, folks... It's just a title. It might have said PHASE 3 incoming instead!

PHASE 2 of PATREON included a lot of VINTAGE COMICS RESUMED and some new stories as aftermath of those old ones.

Now it's time that YOU PATRONS let me know what you like the most.

Keep on resuming and closing old flames? I can't help thinking in THE CONTRACT, THE STORY OF LADY ELAINE, FAT REVENGE, 5 TEAM ...or even ERIN'S WEIGHT GAIN CLASS -a classic favorite that was never finished!


Creating NEW COMICS CONTENT? Maybe throw in some suggestions you can comment to figure it out together?

I believe that whoever IDEA wins, we all win.

Please vote, I want to know what's in your minds, fellows. Let's re-shape the PHASE 3 together. You can vote up until Saturday morning.

Regards from Buenos Aires,

Sorry about the other post, a miscalculation on poll's date!




Will phase 3 affect Morphs or just the comics?


Honestly you had an all of the above option as personally whether it's old or new I don't really care as I know it's going to be amazing.

Matt Ries

If given the option, I would have picked going back and forth. An old comic completed then a new comic released then another old comic completed, etc.


I think a mix is good - love the old stuff coming back, but realise, as a creative endeavour you might want to push on with new stuff - whatever gives you the most room to do what you want - as the results are always great!


There's some old flames I'd love to be finished, while I do have the need -but not the urge- of creating new content. But most importantly, I want to know what you ALL think about it.