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She looked at herself only to find layers and layers of fat, they created two enormous folds of belly avoirdupois, the first one nested her breast, two long and swollen gigantic football balloons. The second… The second extended halfway down her legs, enveloping everything around them. Her legs were deeply folded and by the uncomfortable pressing sensation she suspected her ass was also colossal. Jasmine approximated that she was somewhere around 700 pounds at this point. She was close too, weighing 732 pounds of mostly quivering fat.

“You miss, are… huff… truly a sight.” Charlie said while slowly lowering himself to his knees and turning back, all with great effort. “Now, I’ll be your lever, so you grab my shoulders. Let's go!”

Jasmine sonorously laughed and did what the man suggested. All that fatness quivering, shaking and rippling while she tried and tried, both sides, two obese bodies struggling, finally succeeding after some time. She was on her knees too now, although still on the bathtub. Both of them exhaled and took a second to catch their breath. “T-that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he finally said.

“What a whale you’ve got here!” she replied.

“I wouldn’t be so rude as to call you that, maybe a giant whale-ish mermaid sea-creature?” Charlie joked back and added: “You are the fattest beauty I’ve ever seen!”

Both lovebirds were finally able to stand up without further incidents, one step at a time, with Charlie basically helping Jasmine make her way into the hallway, but not without having a good deal of troubles when passing the door frame. The seven-hundred-pound pair reached the living room exhausted. Charlie was gasping for air while Jasmine was soaked in perspiration, panting and totally red-faced. They both looked each other, each other's dopey grin making things suddenly clear.

“Shit. M-my bed. I wrecked it a few days ago.” the obese man said. “The couch!” she exclaimed.

“Will it support us?” Charlie asked himself and to the obese girl while escorting Jasmine by her upper back handles, open palmed, grabbing the folds beneath her arms. Jasmine then said: “Let’s find out.”

There was a loud and heavy cracking sound when those 1.400 pounds combined hit Charlie’s large and robust couch. Apparently it couldn't take the weight after all, but they were already caressing each other, kissing wildly, and kneading each other’s fat. The humongous lovebirds spent the next two hours exploring themselves -only stopping to catch their breath from time to time-, trying different positions and having the best fat sex that they’ve ever experienced.

A match made in heaven, my dear friends, or to properly name it, sown in the pleasuring depths of my own seeded designs. I’ve seen fat action in my days but …Holy Cow! these two really broke all scales. The glorious days of Jasmine and Charlie were just getting started!

We might cross paths once again my dear readers, faithful fans and, above all, lovely Fat Admirers, because the story of Jasmine Stuart and Charles Barlowe perpetuated in time, almost 20 years later we might still have some time to peak into their intimacy again, just for the kicks, right?

Be seeing you, folks.

2022 / A Story by Jay Tee and the priceless assistance of Vilegaramonde.


It's been a pleasure, my dear patrons. Some ride, uh? Started 18 years ago, whadd'ya know! I'm so glad I finally finished JASMINE'S SECRETS and also it was so refreshing to write a final chapter again -I missed this lovebirds so much. Anyway! Dice Game 4 is coming... I'll be seein' ya 'round I'll suppose.


Panels: 39
Year: 2004/2022
Artist Age: 31/48




Bravo. She ended up with a perfect body!


A perfect ending for a great story! Good work J!


Thank you Jay - what a long and large ride it was!