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"You've nourished my heart, Piggy Sue…" Charlie replied and kissed her. Then he stood up. "And hear this, ladies and gents, Jasmine is now fatter than me! 238 pounds of weight as certified directly by myself… if her bathroom scale didn't lie!"

The four friends burst into applause and laughs. They raise their soda glasses and toast for their present well-being and the future to come. And the end of the story is slowly coming. That's why the image is going backwards and the colors are fading down to black. I like a round finale. It makes me feel so alive.

After all, Jasmine's secrets weren't so unique. It's a large world of secrets down there, closer than she could ever imagine. Some of them are revealed in time… others are still ready to blossom. I like to think that as long the world turns, I can be here and there, helping those secret souls to come out of the closet.

Would you like to be next?

The End.

2004 / A Story by Jay Tee and the amazing assistance of Wilson Barbers.


(but WAIT! not the end, folks!)


Status: ONGOING.
Panels: 39
Year: 2004/2022
Artist Age: 31/48
