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"I still can't believe it…" Jasmine intervened, a soft smile crossed her eager mouth. "You were a little bit overweight when I met you, and you just lost the extra packing in a matter of weeks… It's amazing that you didn't dare to tell me that you were in fact, a fat girl playing to be a thin one."

"Ha ha! Yeah…" Ra'shelle laughed. "That's because you'd never trusted me with your secret desire in the first place! Imagine this picture, guys: thin friend wanting to be like her best friend, a fat friend, in fact, disguised in a thin body, wanting the opposite."

"Oh… You better take another slice of the pie, Rach… you're making me sea-sick!" Charlie joked.

"Shut up, you feeder boy!" Ra'shelle answered. "Look what you've done to my poor little friend, tiny weenie mini-Jasmine!" Her hands started to caress Jasmine's arm.

"Tiny weenie?" Jasmine wanted to know. "Well, officially I have an announcement to make… No, no, I better say I have two things to inform you:  a bad thing and a good thing." She paused, waiting for her friends' comeback. Nothing happened. "Oh, all right… don't stare at me like that… the bad thing isn't that bad at all."

Jasmine munched another slice of lemon pie. "The magazine thinks I am too fat to be a sales executive anymore… but… due to the hormonal breakdown that I'm going through…" And she made a pair of quotation marks with her thick fingers. "…I'll be put under trial for an assistant marketing position between Sales and Management. It's the same money except for the commissions… But I really don't care. I was sick of those characters who wanted to see me fall…"

"Good for you then, Jay…" Ra'shelle said.

"And the second announcement, the good thing, is that I've gained almost 30 pounds this last month… My record! Ho-ey!" Jasmine raised her arms, and the fleshiness of their measure rippled through her chest. "Uh, oh, thanks to my Charlie, of course… who always is so gentle when it comes to nourishing this bad girl!"

(Chapter EIGHT will continue next Monday ...)


By Jay Tee (and the little big help from Wilson Barbers, style corrector of the piece)


Status: ONGOING.
Panels: 39
Year: 2004/2022
Artist Age: 31/48
