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And here we are again, my fellow readers, faithful fans, and loyal followers. Six months passed since that very morning when Jasmine and Charlie binged together for the very first time. A lot of things happened after these circumstances modified the course of their lives for good. But let's be practical. I should start by telling what occurred exactly that day, but that's too easy and I love the suspense of these tales. Let's take a look, this lovely and glorious Sunday evening in Ra'shelle's apartment.

"That's splendid!" Jasmine said to her best friend.

"Yeah. We've been planning this official out-of-the-closet party for months." Ra'shelle laughed. Her double chin shivered like jello. "I know we should wait another month or so, cos´ no one is going to believe that we got so fat so fast."

"How much are you supposed to weigh at the office, Rach?" A 230-pound Charlie asked his girlfriend's best friend. He wasn't using the power of seeds in public anymore; it wasn't necessary. With a real "calorie based" weight gain of about 10 to 15 pounds per month, the former athletic boy had ballooned to his present form. Jasmine was so proud of her prince.

"Well, I should been gaining faster than you guys to match my real size."

"Let's say I am weighing around 220. Isn't that your present weight, Charles?" Ra'shelle added.

"No, he's beyond that! Ten more pounds," Jasmine indicated while picking the fourth slice of lemon pie.

(Chapter EIGHT will continue next Monday ...)


By Jay Tee (and the little big help from Wilson Barbers, style corrector of the piece)


Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 2004/2021
Artist Age: 31/48




Aww man just shift the camera a little bit to the right! Heheheh, just kidding, great work! ^_^


Nice work as always, man


It's fun to not only watch these girls in their environment, but also your taste in music pop up here and there.😉