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"Uh… It's Charles, I'm sorry. Give my regards to Jasmine. Hope to see you again, girls," he finished using an extreme politically right tone of voice and fled.

The obese girl turned to see Ra'shelle's face. It was also clear that her friend disapproved of the scene as well. "Did you see that, Rach? I scared him off! Silly boy," Jasmine protested with a girlie movement of her head, shaking her ponytail and wrinkling her nose. The fatness in her face rippled across her cheeks and dewlap. She was excited by the whole incident.

"No shit! I wonder why?" was the brief mocking comeback from her friend.

(Chapter SIX will START next Monday ...)

By Jay Tee (and the little big help from Wilson Barbers, style corrector of the piece)

Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 2004/2021
Artist Age: 31/48




Yum... Sexy pose...


Obese girls that are confident are the best


Ra'shelle stealing the scene with her expression 😂😂


Ra'shelle looks like a very easygoing and expressive girl to be that thin, right? Humm... Wondering why?


Regarding that, if I remember correctly, in the epilogue there is also a surprise. :D Anyway now that I look at it with more attention, it's amazing all the work you've done with shading and light effects on Jasmine clothing, body and especially on her hair!


Thanks. Yes to all. However I try to maintain the original 2004 style climate through the process... A bit of that and a bit of this of today.