TTFL inks and sketches #4 (Patreon)
2021-07-04 00:17:45
Here, hey, listen! Exclusively for THE WHOLE DEAL higher PATRONS, inks and sketches from THE TOON FAT LIFE. Also a good way to check out the mechanics of my old-fashioned "vintage" work from paper sketch, passing through my black and white inked illustrations, and to the final digital result.
Pages 1 and 2 are hybrid pages since most of the illustrations on it were done on paper more than a decade ago, -and finally painted recently- as seen here.
In this case, illustrations and sketch* corresponding to PAGE 6 -on Covid mode!
*one of the few you'll see ENTIRELY digital, I don't usually do that but I suppose it was more practical this way in that specific moment!
Dig in!