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I used to do FLIP-BOOKS when I was a kid. I first started on the small space at the right side of common books, ruining some good ol' books of my parents, at the really tender age of 7 or 8 years old, matchstick-men mostly.

Then when the 80s arrived I upgraded to TRANSFORMERS robots and similar... Also I started to think about in weight gain.

Many of my teen years WG Flip-books are lost. But I think this is a good exponent and survivor of those crazy attempts of animation. Only partially made, we can see this lovely tall strong-built blonde gaining till she doubles her weight. Let's say from 128 lb (58 kg) to 265 lb (120 kg)

The first FRAME when she's 128 lb:

The last FRAME when she's 265 lb:

Each one of these frames put all together to visualize how far I used to go to realize my ideas are also attached.

FLIPPED already?
Hehe... Enjoy this occasional memorabilia I keep on finding when stirring inside my files!


Google Drive direct link:

Status: WG Sequence Drawings never published
Pages: 1 flipbook, 27 frames.
Year: 1989
Artist Age: 16

