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Well, folks, this is it.

Opened the file cabinet, grabbed the old sheets, and -lucky me!- there it was, the original two pages plus an alternate previous more cartoon-ish page half finished, and the whole SCRIPT in Spanish of "AMIGOTAS" (Big Friends), the adaptation I did back then of the original tale who set all this in motion: "Elsa y Jose, dos amigas de verdad!" (Elsa and Jose, two real friends!) that is still on my DeviantArt page, here.

So, I'm taking that SCRIPT -while I tell you this- and I'll readapt it for our mutual amusement.

The original Spanish script

We all know -kinda spoiler- both friends will end up at Claudita's house. But TRUST ME, I'll spice up all those previous moments.

"Amigotas", in its cartoonish 1st attempt

So, I'll be working on BIG FRIENDS (2020 Resumed and Readapted) in between commissions and possibly every Friday. Lens and clips will be sent away for you to see what's the progress.

Now, let's get to work!

Regards from Buenos Aires





A script and everything? Cool! I like that cartoony version too but I miss your more realistic one, which one would it be?


It will be the realistic one of course (maybe a lot influenced by my actual style), I will resume it from page 3 on!


With all the movies that keep getting rescheduled, this is now the most see event for 2020