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The whole concept of a women Fat World -as in a parallel reality- was around my head since childhood, then during my whole teenage years and my young adulthood as well.
I started compilating loose and vague concepts about female characteristics of this new world. I thought on how would such a world would affect vocabulary and phrasing regarding this New Normality (so trendy concept nowadays). Of course it was an Spanish based language compilation, a bit vast to be translated here, but nevertheless a series of pages worth to be seen. However, here's a short list of words and expressions from the pages:
Mujer = Gorda (Woman = Fat Woman*) *expressing gender in a descriptive noun might be hard in English, although is very common in Spanish, where 'Gordo' implies a fat man, and 'Gorda' goes for a fat woman.
Niña = Gordina (Little girl = Fatty)
Muchacha = Gordilla (Teenage girl = Fatty*) *again, subtle differences on the Spanish sound, meaning basically the same.
Figura de Ocho = Figura de Cero (Figure of 8 = Figure of 0)
Culona = Aballenada (Fatass = Whaleass)
Hair styling: Really long, like a manifastation of growth, fertility and femininity altogether.
A newspaper cut about the actual 1995 Miss Universe winner and how the news would have normally portraited the women at their size, including some new vocabulary words to reffer to the event.




Que buen material. Me parece muy interesante pensar como cambiaria el bocabulario en un mundo asi. Me enamore de la expresion "aballenada" conosco a varias asi. Jajaja.


Vos ye estabas poniendo un poco aballenada, gordilla, o no? 😝


Creo que si sigo asi esas expresiones se van a quedar cortas. Jajaja