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Hi Guys! Starting from next month there will be some Patreon tier adjustments Current tier there are 10$ tier for everything and 3 Outfits at least regardless the races, 15$ just for extra support and have a chance to be featuring their WoL in Preview Video and Images.  -----  Starting from Next month it will be seperated as 4 Tiers:  

Mango: 5$ Tier that build for Males players, you can expect 1 Outfits for Everyone per months  

Lemon: 10$ Tier for Lala Females Players, 2 All females Outfits will be made, include the previous tier you can expect 3 Outfits per month  

Juice:  12$ for tall females, 1 Tall Females Outfits will be made, usually will be something improper for lala which can be tasteful, include previous tier you can expect 4 outfits per month.  

Dessert:  15$ Support Tier, get everything and one Dessert tier Patron will be drawn for modeling in Preview Video/Images per month.  If i have extra time i may make more but the tier above are what i would promises.  Tier changes will affect starting from 1July, thanks for reading and supporting!



and by the way this month still have 2 outfits will be release, i'm working on it right now so my patron have 5 outifts this month :)