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Update: Add on Vanilla Panty for sfw purpose (we have other better panty option but i think vanilla panty represent nude in sfw the best so.. xD

-If i not mistaken coz of Metadata issue if install at Penumbra the Necklace won't show, so you need direct install in Textool for fully function.
-If you direct use Angel Wings / Diabolos Wings ingame it will still have animation, but if you wanted to Gpose with freedom posable option,
Use Anamnesis: Summon a Carby, on Carby Anamnesis page choose Object > Angel Wing (its better posable option than Diabolos Wings)
-Diabolos Wing will result more like a bat wing xD

Whew.. i made this, without make WoL body full white but having their own body, and posable wing.
No clip issue on the body were found, at least by what i tested so far.

My Link:
Studio Aleewi (Host as Studio Owner): https://discord.gg/6QrmtBDbyd
Foxhole (Host as pose maker): https://discord.gg/zg8hwQdxjj



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