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It's been a little slow lately, but I don't really mind. I just hope you guys don't feel screwed by that... but it has been nice to just chill and relax, especially after last month's heavy workload. It's nice to hang out, play a video game, and not worry about work (despite the financial risks).

Although I quite like this slow-paced, chill environment... I also feel a bit aimless. Even though I overworked, I actually enjoyed working towards January's comic. Projects like that are often more valuable than a bunch of little doodles too, especially for consumers.

It would be nice to keep this organic, relaxed environment in which I work at my own pace, but it would also be nice to spend more time creating interesting projects too. 


I don't have anything planned out yet, but I should get around to sketching something soon. After all, generating passive income is likely the primary direction I should take considering my health. Perhaps the next comic should feature something a little more popular than Elayne Beaumont, but I assume I'll take it slow, and if I do start something, I'll probably work on it quietly for a bit first - just as I did with The Mimic's Trap.

Game Dev:

Unfortunately, I've been feeling a bit stuck regarding work on the Beaumont game project. Game development is actually quite time-consuming and I wasn't sure what to work on next. But I also took such a large break that it's quite difficult to jump back into. There's such a solid foundation here, that it would make for an excellent first game... So hopefully I'm able to resume work.

On that note, I think it might also be cool to work on a lot of smaller game projects to help with momentum and education. Maybe little mini game jams where I just try to create one very specific thing, whether its a system, a mini-game, or a recreation of another game. It's a bit like doodling, right? They're small and quick, so it's easier to keep doing over a longer period of time. That could also be an interesting way of promoting a little more community engagement here too.

That said... I've been feeling a renewed interest in The Legend of Zelda. Wouldn't it be cool if I also made a Zelda game? Maybe?

Anyway, I thought it was worth sharing some of my recent thoughts with you. I'm still getting used to 2024's upload format, but it's comfy. I feel like the work isn't suffering despite the slower upload rate, but you'll have to tell me how you feel about that if you disagree. In fact, I feel like a few of the works have actually been a little more interesting because of the slower pace and freedom.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

I can see the value in tackling some game jam projects.