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I'm not sure if there's any value to presenting these previews of "on-site" art if you can readily see them. It does serve as an overview of what's been made, but if you think it's pointless and that I should instead only preview stuff exclusive to Early Access & Dropbox, just let me know.

What's next?

I'm going to try relaxing for the next few days, unless I have reason to draw more sketches in that time. I am feeling tired, so I do need to be cautious about my work habits - while it's good that I managed to complete the recent comic, grinds like that are not strictly healthy.

As for February, I should focus on those Early Access illustrations so that I can start growing on Patreon/SubscribeStar (currently uncertain about PixivFANBOX).

I would like to plan another project, but I don't have anything strong in mind right now. But if I can devote any time to game development in the upcoming month, I will do so.

Unrelated, I have started sketching a bit of concept art. But nothing ready for this month.

How'd you feel about the general vibes of my performance this month?

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


mike stone

The artwork has been good. My personal taste happens to be a little outside your usual range of work: I enjoy slim/athletic figures more than extra-voluptuous, and don't share the hypno kink. The closest I get is enjoying images of surprise with a sense of humor. That's absolutely -not- condemnation of your preferences or those of your main audience. As a formally trained critic, I know you execute your standard subjects quite well. My personal taste is a statement about me, not about you. But if you find yourself wanting to try something different, you have more information about what at least one person will like. In terms of vibe, you're facing uncertainty and loss. That makes you stressed and unhappy, which is natural, and you're being open about it. That isn't a happy vibe.. I'm not here because I want to see you suffer.. but it would be foolish to ask you to be anything less than honest. My request is that you budget time to do things strictly because you like them, and cultivate a sense of having fun. Art is a dense communication medium, and it's nearly impossible to eliminate all traces of the creator's mood. The art you enjoy creating will be the art those of us in the audience enjoy most. To produce a happy, confident, playful vibe honestly, you need to focus on the things that allow you to feel happy, confident, and playful. I look forward to seeing that.

Crucis Ardeos

The artwork this month has been fantastic. I think you always shine in your expressions and scenarios for NSFW stuff, which was really showcased in January.