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Based on the latest feedback survey, a lot of patrons enjoy community interaction and influencing what I create, but don't necessarily need voting polls to do that. Additionally, a lot of people seem to enjoy having diverse content, like with fan art. Most patrons are content with the experience.

So, here are some changes I'm considering. I will continue to watch the survey, but will assume that the current balance represents the collective beliefs of the entire user base. I'll spend some more time thinking about it before starting, since we've got a week until the next month starts. If changes need to be made, I'll let you know - but I'm communicating these thoughts to you now.

Consider this a trial run, we'll test everything out before committing.


Patron Sketch Requests

This is an outright return of the original Sketch Suggestions, though with a more evocative name. There are two big changes however: the reward price is higher ($50) and the amount of available patron slots would be limited (maybe 10 max). This means the scope is far smaller, and thus less overwhelming; so I should be able to reliably draw every request sent in. Though it's important to stress that these are not commissions; I won't be trying to shoot for the same strict level of quality as a commission, nor would you have any control every step of the way.

Do you wish I drew Female Link more often? Perhaps even Bodyslide Girl? Or a waifu from pop-culture? Maybe you simply wish I'd draw certain subjects more often, like bimbos & hypnosis?

If there's enough patrons for this reward tier, then it would easily improve life for all of us. I think we will be relying on these guys a lot to make sure everything else runs smoothly.

Concept Art Improvements

At the start of each month, I can ask $7 Patrons what kinds of ideas they'd like to see explored in an upcoming concept art post. This way, concept art doesn't have to feel quite so random all the time and I'll even have some direction instead of having to pull some crap out of my butt last minute.

Concept Art used to be a highlight of the Patreon, but I feel that's no longer the case. Hopefully this can help breathe some new life into the reward.

Infrequent Voting Polls

Although I worry about the long-term sustainability of voting polls for my Patreon, some patrons do seem to really enjoy the inclusion of voting polls. Plus, it gives $10 patrons (my little pogchamps) some value in a tier that doesn't usually offer them any. But most patrons, so far, don't feel a need for polls.

So, perhaps we can still feature them, but I don't think it's something we should do every single month. I don't know how often it should occur, but it could be a fun bonus from time to time.


Concerns about Discontent

Most patrons who are not content are typically in the [$3] and [$10] reward tiers, which makes sense considering they no longer receive their own rewards anymore. Possible Solutions:

[$3] Early Access

This one's simple; just start giving these patrons more content. If I can find any time to create more interesting artworks, they can simply go here. Perhaps this can be stuff that I want to draw for myself or even fancier illustrations for other purposes. We'll have to see.

[$10] Pogchamps

I don't know what to provide to these patrons specifically, but I do think it would be nice if they got something fun or unique every now and then. Much like the previously mentioned infrequent polls, I don't think we should expect this every single month, but I also don't have a particular rate in mind.

If the reward is unspecified, then it might even organically change. Perhaps one month it's an extra bonus illustration, but then another month, it's a unique voting poll instead. So, instead of stressing about a particular type of reward, we can just have fun with it, y'know?

In order to make room for that, we'd probably see less energy given to the [$1] Sketch Collections. This the least expensive tier, so it shouldn't be an issue. Still, it will be the go-to location for general sketches - and the results of any Patron Sketch Requests.


I want to spend more time creating ambitious works of art, practicing my skills, and having fun. The biggest barrier to any of that is financial insecurity, so hopefully we can see an improvement soon. Overall, I don't want to make any sweeping changes to our Patreon. Picture the experience as it is now, but just slightly different so I can do more of what I want. There's a bit of risk in change, so we don't want anything TOO drastic.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


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