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I had a tough time trying to draw today. I wanted to draw, but also didn't - a pretty tough spot to be in. I'm very unsatisfied with the level of my skill & my work output. I feel like I should be providing more and performing better, especially for all of you (patrons) who support my art. So I want to create more impressive things, but then I don't feel good enough, and my conviction & motivation sink because being better simply feels too out of reach. This feeling isn't unique to me - or even artists.

It's easy to tell myself, "it's all good, just take it slow and practice a bit more." However,  that doesn't sound urgent enough, nor does it solve the desire to create more impressive moments now - in the moment - further delaying the results I want; further perpetuating disappointment. Perhaps I'm simply just too stuck in the emotion of it all, and it's really much simpler than I make it out to be. I don't know. 

Unrelated, and on a more positive note: I've been fiddling around a bit with some game design & programming stuff over the weekend, and was working on something I liked enough to further pursue it as a creative medium in the future. So maybe there will be some neat projects to actively work on and share.



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