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So, we've got 4 weeks until October. Ideally, I'd like to publish a working demo within the first week of the month. I don't need a super fancy presentation - like a proper title screen or even background music. All that's really important is that the game plays the way it should.

Here's what I want to do:

  • Additional Tiles: Some new level design sprites for more visual diversity.
  • New Traps: Perhaps some spikes or objects that can fall from the ceiling upon proximity.
  • Game Over: An evocative illustration depicting a defeated Elayne.
  • New Levels: Perhaps 2-3 levels (or rooms) seems like it could be a good amount.


  • New Sub-Weapon: Perhaps a replacement for the axe, something that shoots upwards.
  • Finalized Sub-Weapon Swap System: Right now there's no way to pick up new weapons.
  • Boss: This I'm a bit less certain about... It might be a bit more involved than I can do now.

These extras are not essential, but would be nice to do if there's time to do so. I haven't touched the project in several months, so I could handle doing more advanced stuff like boss enemies... I can consider anything extra (and any bug fixes) after doing the essential stuff first.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



I love the game over idea. Maybe down the road you can toy around with different game over screens for different levels/defeats


The eventual plan is for each level to have its own unique game over screen. But we only need one for now since it's just a demo.