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Still sick, but hopefully at the end of it. Either way, I'm planning to jump back into work Monday. I can't afford to not take care of work for more than a few days.

I've grown weary of not producing good enough content fast enough. I sketch fast enough, and I've gotten so used to relying upon my quick sketching that I've forgotten that really good art actually takes time. I can't be upset that I'm not doing amazing works of art when I don't give myself the time to actually make them. 

I'm looking to make efforts to change that -- It's been a while, but I'm going to start working on full illustrations again. Of course, as patrons, you'll get first dibs on the finished artwork, as well as being able to see the illustrations in their earliest stages, and as it develops.

The idea here is pretty simple - the primary figure is Maple, who is a witch from the Oracle of Seasons/Ages Zelda games. I like her plenty, so I drew a pretty thick Maple. It's all that maple syrup... I'm thinking they're in a beach-like setting, with Link looking on from the back in discomfort. Considered dropping Irene the Witch in there. I like the idea of including her, but she doesn't really work for the composition there. So it needs more work anyhow.



DJ Quinn

YAY MAPLE! One of my faves, as I may have mentioned one or two times ;P The Oracle games have a special place in my heart, due to the sheer number of times I've played through them.


The Oracles are some of my favourite games in the series, and I hold them up quite high.

DJ Quinn

Yeah, they're really fun (though IIRC, you mentioned you've never personally beaten them :P). I sometimes sort of wish they had done the original concept of three games, one with an oracle named after each goddess, and Farore hadn't gotten the shaft and deligated to just being a utility character. I actually remember thinking more than once "If I had a wish, I'd wish for finished copies of the Oracle games original three game concept" :P


Never beat the final boss of Oracle of Seasons, but I've played the rest of it. The three game idea was cool, but it was abandoned because it simply would not have worked for a technical reason. Alas. It happens. We still got two really great games out of it, and it led to further Zelda games being made by Capcom too.

DJ Quinn

You should try beating it some time when you have the chance. The linked ending is pretty fun and the linked game has some interesting differences. I can't remember if Maple remembers you from the other country in a linked game, though. May have to replay my virtual console versions to find out ;P


Oh I forgot, I actually beat OoS last month. Just need to purchase OoA again then.

DJ Quinn

Are you going to do a linked game or do a normal playthrough first? If you do a normal playthrough, you can do the linked version of Seasons as well :P