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Touching base before the month ends...

Concept Art:

I can probably squeeze some concept art in before the end of the month, but it's very clear that I need to start scheduling something earlier in the month or providing some additional value to that tier. It's just tough to create worthwhile ideas when I'm not actively in the middle of producing something larger.

Especially when I end up taking commissions, as they both tire me out and take up time that could be spent on other things. I just so happened to take on a bit more than usual this month too...


That self-imposed October deadline for the Beaumont game demo is coming upon us quickly. I only have a single month left, so I need to get on that soon. I won't have as much of it done as I would've liked, but that might be fine - there's nothing saying I absolutely need background music, for instance. So that means I'll probably spend the majority of September focusing on the Game Project.

I think there's enough there for a simple demo, I just need to design a decent level or two and flesh out a few features - like adding an additional sub-weapon, maybe, so that I can actually have the player be able to swap weapons they find in the level. But I'll take stock soon!


I considered bringing back Female Link Fridays or some kind of Big Fancy Monthly Illustration for the $3 Tier specifically, but I didn't manage to experiment with it this month. I ended up hard crashing after the first two weeks of the month...

That said, since October is soon upon us, that is an opportunity to do another installment of 31 Days of Female Link. We'll have to see. I don't want to commit to anything so far in advance.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

September being focused on game development sounds good to me.