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I've spent the last few days cleaning up a few bugs that were present in the recent demo (though I have not updated the demo with said changes), like the fact that daggers would sometimes pierce through several enemies without destroying itself.  I still have to clean up a few bits of code, but I think it's time I start updating the art and implementing audio so that it's ready for a proper demo.

That means the next major focus will be more art-based than programming. I have already began (failing) to make music with FamiStudio. I've absolutely no previous experience or knowledge with the creation of music, so I'll have to learn all the skills needed now - which will be very difficult.

There are a few experiments in the Dropbox Archive, but they are not very good or competently composed. I'll slowly dabble and keep you informed.

Anyway, yeah. I'll need to update Elayne's character sprite as well as replace all of the sprite assets borrowed from other games. Part of that will be simple & intuitive, while other parts will require creative problem solving and concept art... Like what do I replace hearts with? How would an Elayne Beaumont zombie look like? Etc.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

Zombie Elayne is gonna be fun.


Excited to see more, keep up the great work