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I took a break last week, but I feel extremely exhausted. While it could be a number of reasons, I DID just recently squeeze all of those commissions into the first week & put a lot of physical stress on myself doing so. 

It could've just hit me harder than I noticed - which isn't too unreasonable because I stopped taking commissions in the past because it was tiring. Hopefully I won't have to do that next month, but I'll still need to deal with the repercussions of that now.

I did some game dev last week and I hope I can do more this week too. I've been wanting to do that a lot more as of lately, especially since it gives me a break from the often tiring work of illustration by exercising different creative muscles.


I'm feeling a sense of pointlessness in much of my work. Work that will never be quite as good as the work produced by my peers and other successful artists, nor will it be quite so meaningful. I think a lot of artists feel like that from time to time, but I think it's something I'm just starting to accept as a reality about my art.

Which sucks. On the plus side, it means I'm less obsessed about providing for the masses and forcing twitter growth & stuff like that. Because what's the point, right?

Since I'm unlikely to see any major growth any time soon due to simply not being good enough, then I guess I can only focus on getting my monthly commissions & keeping you guys, specifically, happy on Patreon.

A Hypothetical Break

If I wanted to take a break, what is the bare minimum I need to do & create to keep you happy? I'll need to still take commissions, so that should keep coming as long as I can keep getting them - but beyond that...

We're reaching the halfway mark of the year, which is typically when we reflect and make adjustments to the Patreon to better reflect our needs, so now's a good time think about that stuff. The results from our recent poll should be helpful too.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



I want to see the best "you" you can be! Take a break if you need to! Give us a little warning, and maybe a gift before you do.

Janus Rain

You're thinking about this in terms of pleasing us. I don't think you understand that you can take a paid vacation and we won't get upset. You earned it.


That's kind of how Patreon works though. I promise rewards and people pledge their hard-earned money for promised value. If people don't feel as though they are getting their money's worth, many of them will cancel their pledge.

Janus Rain

And I'm saying that for myself, I'm okay with you taking a paid vacation. Other artists have done it, it's a good idea.