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Interesting thing about this piece - it was originally envisioned as a scene of Princess Zelda bending over, caressing a flower as her butt was presented to the viewer. though I decided to just keep it a simple pinup. Keeping the flower element part of the piece, however, made me realize how dull the work ultimately was. So I decided to add Link to it.

Came out nice enough, pretty range of colours.

Only THREE more works to go! I hope I haven't let any of you guys down this month. I kinda feel like I could've done much better for you.



DJ Quinn

Nice, I like the flowers. The curve and positioning of Link's breasts seems a bit off, though. Did you decide against the butt thing after that screen shot of just that happening came out or had that been the inspiration?


This was drawn last week, so any of the decisions made up until now were before the new shots shared recently. The final 3 works are the only works that have yet to be seriously worked on. It was going to be the shot from the trailer - Which had a clear look at the butt. But I decided against it because I was pressed for time.