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So glad that Two Kinds of People was not the last duoLink comic I did for BotW event! I really love Ian C Samson's Link, and I miss drawing them together. I never feel like I capture her character right, though I suppose this is the most accurate portrayal of her personality that I got. Though I imagine it'd have been better if she were smiling in the final panel.

The colours for this page are significantly darker than my usual works, so I hope that turned out alright. I also played around a bit with some of CSP's manga effects.



DJ Quinn

So Ian's is a bit of a ditz I'm guessing? Also, how the tables have turned in terms of clothes...


Not necessarily. She's just a lot more adorable and silly, whereas in my previous portrayals, she was drawn rather seriously.

DJ Quinn

Ah, so more of a Genki Girl? That's sort of what I meant by "ditz".

DJ Quinn

I probably will eventually, just like I'll probably eventually read MGN and CQ...