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I've finished this month's commissions, so I have a week or so before I need to take them again. Spreading them out like I have was healthier than usual, but they end up taking more time throughout the month as a result... I guess this will be the norm for the foreseeable future unless I increase my Patreon earnings. But with so little off time from commissions, it makes what I choose to create outside commissions even more important - as I'll need to use that time wisely.

What Next?

I plan to focus on some concept art for the upcoming week as well as an illustration for the $3 Reward Tier.

The concept art will likely focus on some character designs for the Beaumont comic. As for the illustration, I'd like to do a painting for Tears of the Kingdom since I was not able to do another daily art challenge due to commissions. I expect to focus on its creation throughout the entire week.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.