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Looks like there might be another leak in my apartment, this time much closer to my computer. So adding the obligatory "my computer might get wrecked" warning.

Recent Thoughts:

I've recently given some thought concerning my limited skill set as a creator. I don't like utilize animation or audio design, and I'm generally not very creative, so I don't produce a lot of conceptually interesting work.

As an illustrator, I usually just draw simple pinups and I post it onto Twitter. Both of those facts don't seem to lend themselves well to particularly engaging artwork. It's like... There just isn't much TO the experience of my content, y'know? I struggle to think I could ever be anything more than a second-rate pinup generator.

Stuff to think about, I suppose...

Game Dev Project

While I spent a lot of time working on the game project, I might place it on the back burner to focus on some other work for a bit. In the mean time, perhaps I'll do some refinement and clean up to prepare it for the next stage of development? We'll see.

Concept Art

If October was all about Female Link, January all about Game Dev, then perhaps this February could be all about Concept Art, with a heavier focus on Elayne Beaumont. Some general design work, Young Elayne stuff, and even some world building.

Perhaps this month's concept art could be handled similarly to the Collection posts, updating across the month instead of on a single specific date.

Female Link Illustrations

Did you know that the Legend of Zelda franchise released its very first game on Feb 21, 1986. It might be cool to create an illustration for that. I expect FemLink Fridays will probably function as normal, assuming my workload isn't too different.


I should consider resuming my latest Beaumont comics. Even if it was only meant for practice, it might feel like a waste to drop the concepts it introduced.

That said, I've been reconsidering the presentation format. As of now, each page is just a typical illustration with a typical comic page layout. Though, I worry that isn't too Twitter friendly... So I wonder if it might be better to display the comic as strips of imagery to better utilize the space and make scrolling easier.

It would limit my composition choices and will take more tweets to display the same amount of content, though it gives me more control over each individual tweet, and as you can see, it fills the horizontal space better and viewers aren't forced to click each image just to read it (and it controls pacing and spoilers too).

I'm going to do a little bit more thinking.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Simon Penni

I wouldn't be giving you money if you were second-rate

Bob Dasyati

I'm a desktop Twitter user and I've been in the habit of opening every image tweet anyway, just in case it's cropped 😛 Besides the rules for image cropping could just change again next month...