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So here's the very first drawing of 2017, and the first drawing in my 6th sketchbook file. This was originally going to just be a simple work alongside various ther works done in the day, but I took too long on it. So I figured I'd treat it as an illustration to finish.

No hopes of making a NSFW variant, however.



DJ Quinn

Cute. Btw, any word on Mojo? I've actually forgotten what you said about it last time we talked about it ^^;


Haha colored or not it still looks great. I love it


Ah, I forgot. December was a bit of a tough month for me, so I haven't even finished my current commissions as of yet, so I haven't even given it thought.

DJ Quinn

Oh well, can you at least tell me how many commissions mine is behind? No need for a time table or anything.


Technically yours is behind nothing, as I haven't even accepted yours yet. But I have two commissions on my plate - not sure when I'll get to finishing them though, so don't feel pressured to hold out for me.