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Looks like the end of the month crept on us quicker than I expected it would.

Still a bit sick. I have some occasional (but terrible) coughing fits, but I'm otherwise fine most of the time. Sadly, it prevented me from taking commissions... Though I do think interest in that has also generally dried up among consumers.

I've started to worry about my abilities as an artist again... I'm so far behind many of my peers in technical skill and I don't often create things people care about. Sigh...

Anyway... I'd still like to get a little bit more work done before the month is over, but I expect most of the most notable things are already finished.

Upcoming Illustration

I started working on a sequel to an illustration from earlier in the month. It will most likely be finished either before this month ends or at the start of next month. Here's a preview of that so you have something to look forward to.

Posting Habits

Although I'm sure no one will complain about the amount of work shared within the Sketch Collection post, I must admit to being disappointed... I had planned to focus my creative energy elsewhere, only to fall into old habits. 

I knew it would be tricky, but I wanted to focus more on game development, comic projects, or some other projects. It's tough to work on projects with long, but slower development cycles when I'm constantly worried about not posting enough content. 

Lately, I've also found myself not wanting to draw as much -- lack of confidence and stuff like that. Game Dev is a great way to still be productive without having to draw, but I think I'd still need to provide more value to indulge in moods like that...


I couldn't bring myself to start any comics this month, or even continue working on that practice comic from a few months back. 

There are so many barriers to drawing comics: 

I have to concept the scene, compose the page layout, then start drawing multiple figures, skeletons, backgrounds, and a bunch of things I'm not at all familiar with like complex buildings or horses... And I have to make it all look good! How stressful...

I feel like comics require the same level of commitment I gave to October's Female Link Project (and previous projects like Fall Brells, Dragon Breast, etc.) in that I have to dedicate most of my time & energy to such a project for it to even happen.

Thank you for your Support

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


skyler j ayer

Maybe have half of the month to those long projects and the other half to posting more often? Or one month its alot of sketch collection stuff and them the next month focus on more long terms updating patreon the second week of the month amd the last week which can give you depending on where you start can leave you 2 weeks to a week to work on it


2 weeks really isn't a lot of time to dedicate to a project if I'm also managing a bunch of other things during the same general period of time. It's a matter of not being able to easily switch my "mental work modes." A lot of work likely won't get produced during that time unless the pre-planning was perfect.

Shawn Heatherly

My interest in commissioning you is absolutely still present, I just always miss the chance due to work.