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I've never been entirely happy with Amaranth's design, so I'm revisiting him.

The previous design felt like it was trying too hard. The last outfit had a lot of sharp edges and looked difficult to put on. While it looks cool, I feel like I was prioritizing the wrong traits. These current sketches feel more comfortable. Amaranth comes off as wanting to appear simple & carefree, and I think his apparel should reflect that. 

I think it makes Amaranth look friendlier too, he seems less fancy or important - just a guy who tossed on some loose clothing (contrasting Elayne's tight, restricting outfit). There's a lot of interesting shapes in all of these outfits, so maybe we could use all of them in some capacity.

I will explore these ideas further, especially since I still need to determine a colour scheme. I've never been satisfied with how Amaranth looks in colour, so I'll need to figure that out. I was originally planning to do another of those old classic essay-type posts, but I'm tired. Maybe next time.

Don't forget to eat and sleep.



Shawn Heatherly

I do feel the previous design was fine as is, but I respect the desire to improve and I quite like this rendition of Amaranth.