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These sketches took a little longer than expected, between exhaustion and overall script complexity. Each page is filled with a lot more information than the Beaumont comic, so I struggled to make sense of how to best visually express some ideas. I'm sure the finished product will see a few more changes, but I think this is a comfortable starting point.

While two pages have not been sketched, they are in the script. I feel these pages may be a bit more involved, but less concerned with page layout or script adaption. So, I will do these later, shortly before working on them proper. The actual story is a bit more important.

I plan to begin work in a few days. I'd like to finish it before the end of this month, but this comic looks a bit more complex than the Beaumont short story, so I'm less certain of my schedule.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.




Looks good! Also, ironically enough, when sketching out my own life I have the same thing for the same scenes! "Sex - will do later"