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Oh dear. Downstairs flooded. The knee-high water burst through my door and knocked my refrigerator down & open. That's gonna prove to be an inconvenience... Like, the kitchen is WRECKED.

Not sure how I'm gonna solve that. I hope the floor doesn't break under the pressure...

I am posting this here just in case the situation should get worse and I am suddenly without power or internet and can not inform you.


The kitchen is filthy and in a bad state, with a bunch of garbage & debris from the street, but I have lifted the refrigerator off the ground and the water level is gone (thanks to holes in my structurally terrible floor). So we'll see what happens next.

But I am alive, and unless power lines go down or another tornado happens, I suspect my internet connection will be fine.


Shawn Heatherly

Would it be worth launching a GoFundMe page?


Holy shit dude, hope you are safe


Hope you’re okay!


Oh shit. Stay safe out there.


Geez, that's horrible, brell! I hope the damage is... not as bad as it could be, and you stay safe! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, for sure!


UGH - sorry...hope/glad you are safe and it's not too disastrous to clean up.


Oh my god I'm glad you are okay

Samson Lewd Art

That's terrible, but I'm glad you're ok, hope you can recover.