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Dropbox  -  Concept Art:  [01] 

… And that’s the end of our first week of proper work this month. So far, I’m on schedule with my expectations, so that’s good. I’ll need to begin the next set of pages tomorrow. I forgot how harsh working in black & white is on my eyes though...


Progress is coming along nicely, though I’m still not confident about the comic. I’m not very familiar with the style & the opportunities it provides, but I remember feeling uncomfortable with the prototype until 20 pages in… So, maybe I’ll feel better as we progress further.

I’ve been operating under a Four-Day Work Week (Mon – Thurs). Given the concentrated nature of this work, I figured it’d be worth giving a try. It’s working so far, and I don’t suspect any interruption unless I suffer side effects from my second vaccine shot next week. I’m trying to produce 4 pages every week, so that gives me 1 page per day. This probably compromises on some quality, but it’s fine for now.

Every time I wake up, I know what needs to be done, and how far I need to get before the week is over. This is straightforward compared to my usual routine, in which I must manage different responsibilities and their respective deadlines in relation to one another.


Sadly, I am still not making enough money through Patreon alone. So, I’ve had to start dipping my toes back into commissions this month. I’ve been trying to squeeze one in each workday after working on a comic page… Sadly, I’m so tired by this point that I’m working with slightly blurry vision. 

I wonder if I’ll have to re-adjust my format or offer higher prices in the future.


Speaking of my finances; the wheels have begun to turn regarding my living situation. An appraiser will be visiting my home this week, which means it’s only a matter of time before I must leave in search of a new home. Unfortunately, I am not financially prepared to do that…

I need to reliably double or triple my income. I can’t make any major changes to my work yet because I’m currently busy with the comic, but it’s clear that I need to do better. Soon.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

I truly hope things start improving soon.