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So, just a quick update to keep everyone informed about the direction of the Patreon in the coming weeks. Nothing super big; just trying to make progress towards our goals.

Today, I learned some info about a family member's health (potentially life-threatening). So, that means I need to prepare for additional trends downwards. I shall open commissions in July and try to schedule them into my general routine.

We've entered the 2nd half of 2021, so it's time to start making progress in two areas:

  • I have to be more proactive in generating income.
  • I must find fulfillment in my creative work. 

Moving Forward

I'd like to reintroduce more indulgent erotic content into my work. I feel like we haven't seen a lot of excitement on that front for the last several months. I also plan to continue refining the Patreon, making additional efforts to create a more enjoyable experience for all of you.

Ideally, we'd treat the Patreon like an artist's atelier (or workshop), allowing you to explore & enjoy all of the cool, interesting things that I'm working on rather than focusing on simply drip-feeding you content. So, let's try that make that happen as we progress.

I appreciate your patience & support while navigating these challenges.

What's next for this month?

A bit of concept art, and a couple illustrations within the next week or so. Look forward to the 3rd place winner from our Voting Poll coming soon.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

I'm sorry to hear about that news. The plans moving forward do sound good though.


I hope everything turns out okay.


Sorry to hear about that news :( Hope things get better


Sending good vibes to you