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June Plans

Next month should feel like this one in terms of overall structure, continuing with the voting polls and attempt at general creative freedom. It’s still difficult to get a feeling of freedom, but I’ll keep trying.

The Voting Poll theme will be: Nuns. Anything that could be remotely considered a nun.

The next DM illustration will probably be posted much later in the month, because I have an idea that’s a bit more ambitious than usual, and I want to take the necessary time to work on it over the course of a few weeks.

Lastly, the upcoming concept arts will focus on Dragon Breast, so I can begin working on the short story soon after. I’d like to finish that 12-page comic before officially beginning work on any other comics. The story is silly & pornographic, so I'm sure a lot of people will find it fun. I've put it off for a too long, and now that we're trying to get more freedom, I can try to make more time for projects such as this.

Additional Thoughts

Cleaning the presentation of my Patreon is one of our next goals, making sure the tiers represent their actual rewards. Perhaps I’ll create some new visuals and make a greater effort to advertise.

I should probably open commissions too.

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

Nuns as a theme surprises me, but I'm sure it'll be fun.