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Here’s a sneak preview of an upcoming illustration, based on the results of our recent voting poll. The winning character was Giga Mermaid from Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. I’m hoping to have this piece out in a few days so I can spend the rest of the month doing whatever I want.

Mid-Month Overview

I believe the first week of the month was the strongest we’ve had in a while, and I owe it to the sense of freedom I felt. Having freed myself from the shackles of expectations, I created experimental test pages for a Beaumont comic at my own pace. Even posting several days in a row.

After simplifying my responsibilities for Patreon, I was able to freely explore & create without feeling the need to curate my work around a weekly schedule. I think this ultimately results in more engaging work, and the ability to interact with patrons a lot more – in fact, the commentary was more involved than the usual posts lately. It feels a bit more like the posts from when I first started creating on Patreon.

Though, I do think part of that was thanks to a Dungeon Master requesting that I draw what I feel like. So maybe I was technically obligated, but it would be nice to have that freedom & organic quality more often.


This last week was a bit slower (likely due to our shift in focus, prioritizing patron-driven content), and though that is fine, I’d like most of our experience to feel like the previous week. Though, I have to say… Pulling away from an established routine makes me nervous. I often worry that focusing on what I want will disappoint many of you. Especially since the experience has been patron-driven for so many years.

It’s easy to say stuff like “you should rest” or “I just want you to create what you want,” but I think it’s a lot harder to maintain such platitudes if you aren’t being directly catered to. So, shifting focus has the potential to be incredibly risky. So yeah… I’m a bit nervous about what might come next.

Anyway… Don’t for get to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

The nervousness makes total sense, but for what it's worth I think this month's content thus far has been delightful.


that mermaid is pretty poggers