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When picturing an Elayne comic series, I often see images like these:  [1]  [2]  [3] 

This style lends itself well to the dark tone of the setting and can be drawn relatively fast. But it’s not a style I’m particularly good at rendering in, and colour provides many options for expression… So, it would be a shame to not have those options.


I wanted to try a fast, (somewhat) de-saturated approach to my typical style. Sadly, a lot of the muddiness doesn’t seem intentional – or appealing. It feels remarkably uncoordinated and lacks the punch of my usual work. New palettes tend to be a weakness of mine.

This rough application of paint is getting old, especially compared to pieces like:  [1]  [2] 

Both of which accomplish the same basic idea, but better & cleaner. I expect I’ll continue to play with this direction, but perhaps I’ll use a smaller range of colours and reconsider my values & temperature. I need to slow down and be intentional so I don't make bad choices.

Additional Thoughts

The contents of this page are not representational of anything canon, and this character is not intended to be Karantos. I just stole her colour profile because I was too lazy to design an actual character. I just needed to some ideas on the page, so I had something to colour.

Perhaps the next few attempts will be single-panel images removed from active narrative ideas, instead aiming for something more passive and emotional.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



Shawn Heatherly

A larger color palette would not spoil my enjoyment of the Beaumont storyline.