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So, I’m exhausted.

I’ve begun to neglect my health, drawing feels impossible some days, and I suspect it’s only a matter of time before I fail and fade out. I took a break and now I feel too paralyzed to reliably resume work.

Why do I feel like this so suddenly? Is it my work habits? Have I forgotten something important on the path that took me here? Perhaps I’m just under too much pressure… Between my usual responsibilities, financial burdens, and terrible home & work environment. Maybe this was inevitable.

Perhaps I just lack passion in my work? Maybe I don’t have a reason to be excited to draw…?

When was the last time I created interesting female Link illustrations? Or an image set, like Fall Brells? When was the last time I did anything even remotely creative in concept or execution? When was the last time I created something purely because I wanted to? Or the last time I actually enjoyed creating? The last time I experimented & explored? The last time I felt free to create whatever I wanted? I can't easily remember an answer to all of those...

Maybe I need to make some changes to alleviate pressure where I can. Perhaps I’ve gotten too trapped in a routine that it has become difficult to deviate from it, and I need to offer myself way more freedom. Or maybe I just need a better chair and a cleaner workspace… Maybe I need to eat better... I dunno.

That’s it for this short blog post. I just wanted to share some of what was going through my head, which is what these posts are supposed to be about when I don’t use them to simply showcase recent work.

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.



I wish I had the answer for you. "Just do this, it'll help guaranteed!" Even I get in those funks, and I'm actually crawling out of a small one right now. I hope you can find that spark of passion again. Your art is always incredibly good (despite what you say or think about it!) and I always look forward to it, even when it's stuff that's not in my wheelhouse. If you ever need to shoot the shit, vent to someone, or try to think of stuff outside the norm for a creative spark or whatever, you know you can always drop me a line. And no matter what, I'll still support you.

Shawn Heatherly

Please take of yourself, Brellom. I've been very happy with your recent work, but obviously the artist must enjoy the work themselves.


It's a lot harder to live than most people give us credit for. What you're experiencing—the exhaustion, the routine, the nagging feeling of "when's the last time I actually made something real?"—I can't say it's natural, but its not uncommon. Life's a struggle and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Life as a creator, especially when creation is something you do on the side, is doubly arduous. The only advice I can give you is: don't ever feel bad for feeling bad. Slumps and exhaustion happen, they're unavoidable, and it isn't your fault that your emotions and motivation are all knotted up. Feeling bad isn't something to apologize for, it's something to survive. And you've survived so admirably, Brellom.