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I feel like I’ve been losing a lot over the course of the last year.

I haven’t seen any substantial growth lately, and I feel like I’m too tired to change that. Some days, I don’t feel like drawing anymore. Some days, it feels like I simply can’t. I just want to sleep. A friend of mine thinks I could use a break, but that’s not good for my finances. 

But, that’s life, I guess…

Takin’ Care of Business

Here’s my plan for the month. I don’t think I can promise my usual levels of activity, but there’s still work that needs doing. I may need to approach my work differently, whether it’s by working at different times of day or by working in short-controlled bursts.

Concept Art will probably be general Elayne Beaumont stuff, but it’s not a priority right now. Thank you for your patience. I’ll do my best to get to work soon.

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.
