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Howdy! Kinda quiet lately, huh? I’ve been feeling depressed & anxious lately, but I hope you’ve enjoyed the Concept Art for this month so far. I hope to do more, but I need to work on some other illustrations too. I’ve been a bit too sluggish as of late, and I broke my exercise routine too…

Unrelated, I often feel self-conscious about how I write these blog posts. Sometimes I use the same words & phrases, so I worry about my repetitiveness and sentence structure… It means I spend way too long refining these blogs, regardless of how simple they seem…

Elayne Scripts

The Concept Art for this month was a precursor to a story that I planned to be, like… 15 pages. But the script seems to be getting more complex, with a desire of exploring the other characters a bit more. The 3D sets are turning out tougher than previously planned too…

While the prototype only featured single-room spaces, the spaces in this comic are turning out to be much more dynamic. One of the spaces is an actual town, featuring houses, structures, horse-drawn carriages, etc. I didn’t think about it before, but I really need to understand how those things work to build a convincing world – which could take a while.

That said, I’ve also spent some time exploring other ideas and potential short stories to tell about the setting too. Like character backstory prologues, or other little moments here and there.


Things have been a bit slow, and I haven’t increased my income much over the last few months. So, I suspect I’ll need to start taking commissions regularly. But I might want to increase the price from $60 to $80, so I don’t need to draw as many every month. They are very draining, but I should accept that I’m not liable to find major success without commissions any time soon.

I’m a bit cautious about changing my prices though, since I don’t know whether there’s enough demand for my work, and the current price has generally felt nice & accessible. Guess we’ll have to see.


I have been enjoying Demon’s Souls (2020) lately, more than my typical experiences with Dark Souls. I even have a super cool Elayne Beaumont made. Nioh 2 lets me have a more accurate depiction of the character, including a whip weapon, but Demon’s Souls is a far more beautiful game (subjectively) and better fits the kind of aesthetic I’d feature the character in.

I’d love to play more video games with a reasonable depiction or proxy of Elayne, but there aren’t very many options. So, I’m thinking about modding Skyrim again (although with different plans than usual). Perhaps I’ll talk more about it in the future, just to add more life to the Patreon. I can probably talk about these kinds of things for hours…

Darker Works

Another aside... There's a few darker pieces in the Archive this month, as I've been playing with gore (something I need to practice, since Elayne Beaumont is in a dark fantasy setting). That said, those works are rare, and will always be isolated from the rest of my work, with proper warnings to ensure you are never accidentally exposed to uncomfortable content.

These works will never fully appear on Patreon, nor are they funded by your patronage.

Anyway, don’t forget to eat sleep. I’ll try to get back to work soon.


Shawn Heatherly

I'm sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. For what it's worth, I think you should raise your commission prices; the price should match the quality, and you do incredible work.

Simone Spinozzi

Ooooh... ❤️ Thanks for this juicy update. And interesting how you try and recreate your characters in video games ❤️