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Plans for March

My plan for March is to focus on Concept Art.

I might be able to start a Beaumont comic in April, so I’d like to prepare for it. Concept art will include character designs, 3D environments, and storyboards. The story is outlined but can still use refinement and proper scripting too. If successful, then I can make the comic better & easier to work on.

There are no plans for a Voting Poll artwork (to minimize distractions). Which means there may be more opportunities for sketch suggestions. So, March might a good month to send in ideas.

As usual, 2 Dungeon Master illustrations are also expected. But the concept art is my focus.

Exercise Routine

I began exercising with Fitness Boxing 2 & Ring Fit Adventure this month, spending at least 30 - 40 minutes per day with them. I broke the habit this last week, however… I kept waking up after noon, and I didn’t want exercise to take time away from working. I need to get back to exercise, and maybe even increasing the amount of time I spend doing it… 

But I think I need to simplify my days first. Here’s to trying to be better then.

Anycow, that's enough for now. Next month may appear quiet depending on how I go about work, but I'll do my best to make sure it's good enough.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

I think a month of concept art would be great! I always love seeing how you're tweaking someone's design, and the thought process behind it.