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I have mixed feelings about the past month.

  • January’s concept art was impressive, and we solved a lot of problems through it, as well as create some loose footing to which we can build atop.
  • Commissions took a week of work away from me, but I still didn’t do enough. They’re very draining, but the money is important… I may need a better solution.
  • I’m pleased to see new patrons join us! We’re 54% of the way to financial security.

I think it’s fine that I focused so heavily on concept art, because it’s important work that will benefit us in the long run, and I am trying to move away from the strict routine that I used to have. I just want to create more meaningful content, and I need time & creative freedom to accomplish that.

That said, I may shift priorities from month to month. Concepts may be the most important thing one month, but then the voting polls might be the focus for another month, or a comic chapter, etc. I have not done many sketch suggestions as of late, so perhaps they’ll be the focus of some months too.

What’s the plan for February?

  • 2 Dungeon Master Artworks (Female Link) (Bodyslide Girl)
  • Gift Artwork (Original Characters)
  • Concept Art (Dragon Breast)
  • Voting Poll (Female Link)

The list above should give you an idea of what my plans are going into February, but I’m hoping to leave room for an additional voting poll or a string of sketch suggestions, but I’ll have to play that by ear. Let’s see if I can make February more organic than January.

What you wanted to see:

In the future, I may spend a month or two just focusing on a single project. So, I wanted to know where your collective interests lie to determine what I could feel safe focusing on, should I ever do so. 

This was done with a voting poll, and these are the results (at the time of writing):

I’m glad to see Beaumont doing so well, since it was one of my least popular concepts 2-3 years ago. The recent concept art post offers a lot of opportunities, and I’d like to keep building its setting, whether it is through short stories, comics, or games. My current ideas involve posting short comic stories directly to twitter and dabbling with game development software like GameMaker Studio 2 or maybe even RPG Maker. I feel like I probably can’t do as much with the Legend of Zelda nowadays, but I’d still like to do a Female Link adventure. Perhaps that could make for good comic content to revisit every so often. 

Anyway, that's enough for now. As always, feel free to share your thoughts if you have any. We've been handling the Patreon differently as of late, and I'm still adjusting. Thank you for your support!

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


Shawn Heatherly

I think this was another great month for your content, and I'm excited for what's planned for February.


I know you keep wanting to do them on stream so you can keep yourself to that 1 hour time frame you budget for them, but I really think having something like a Google forms for commissions might help since people can submit ideas, you can still pick and choose based on how you feel, and get in touch with them for payment and such. Streamlining the process might help out since you don't need to wait for people to submit ideas, then for payment to be approved, then for them to say it's good. Plus, you can work on them when you want and when you feel you need the extra cash. Just an idea that might be worth considering sometime, that way you can work on them when you have the strength for them. In any case, February looks to be an awesome month!