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It’s been, what… 3 weeks since our last Patreon Blog post? While useful, weekly blog posts don’t always provide actual value to your life, so I’ve been holding off until I had worthwhile things to say. Thankfully, I’ve shared more art than usual with everyone this month, so I hope it hasn’t been too quiet for you.

It feels like the quality of work has been consistently good this month. Perhaps by freeing myself of strict obligations, I can work more comfortably & creatively. One of my favourite details in recent artworks are the tiny hints of blue & red within a single local colour; it’s subtle but looks like bleeding paint.

Anyway, you should be seeing a bit more art before the month’s end. Thank you for your patience!

What can we take from this month?

  • More freedom = more comfort, creativity, and organic content.
  • Removal of 3rd Dungeon Master slot; I was taking more work than I could chew.
  • Polls can offer regular & immediate engagement, in addition to stronger works.

While I could talk at length about any of these topics, it’s probably better to simplify the core message into a single line of text. Point is, I think there are good things to take from this month’s performance, and it’s worth pushing them further in the future. 

I feel as if this was the first comfortable month in… A long time.

Christmas Gift Artwork

As planned this month, we did draw a handful of gifts for other artists. Though in truth, I had planned to produce even more... But I guess I didn’t really HAVE to draw them this month specifically. Perhaps we should consider doing it more often throughout the year? It’s a good way of getting more diversity.

What to expect for the future?

  • Commission Streams (Tuesday & Thursday) (3 per stream, thus 24 per month).
  • Greater experimentation with creative ideas & skills.
  • Short Comics on a regular basis (perhaps even as simple as 3-4 pages).


The end of the year draws closer, and the eventuality of 2021 will soon be upon us. I expect that I may create another Blog post by then, but who knows for certain?

This was a difficult year for many of us, and it’s almost time to begin a new year. Although it’s a bit arbitrary to celebrate the passing of a year, I do think the passage of time is worth reflecting upon, as is the relationship between us – you and I; regardless of how long you’ve been a patron.

Without your support, none of this would be possible. You’re just as much a part of this experience as I am. You’re an important component, and your existence allows this machine to continue running. Some of you have been here for years, months, or even weeks…

Some of you will continue to be for even longer, while some will only stay for a little while longer. It’s all the same. Thank you for your support – it truly means the world to me. I’ll do my best!

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.



Thanks, brell. You take it easy when you can, and you have a happy holidays!

Shawn Heatherly

I'm so happy hearing this month has been comfortable for you.

Bob Dasyati

Happy holidays, Brell :)