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I’ve been taking it easy this last week and haven’t drawn much. I’m okay when that happens as long as the amount of art in our Dropbox exceeds the number of days into the month we are. That said, I still have a few more pieces that need doing.

A friend recently suggested I take a sabbatical – stopping work to pursue a different interest (like game development) as a means of dealing with work exhaustion. I don’t think that’s something I could make work right now, but it is something to consider for the future.

This post will address:

  • Focus
  • Sketch Suggestions
  • Commissions
  • Projects


It feels like I’ve fallen into a rut: my work is formulaic, and I’ve lost spontaneity & excitement, killing my creativity. I’d like to try making my Patreon more laid-back and organic. I think I’m a bit too tired to keep doing things the way I have.

I just want to focus on making good art.

Sketch Suggestions

Although I’m not obligated to draw every idea sent in, I do like to draw a handful each month. But it’s been lacking lately; I enjoy every idea you send in, but I’ve struggled to find time for it lately.

I want to try pulling away from the Sketch Suggestions a tiny bit. The monthly posts will still go up, and you should still send ideas, so I know what you’re interested in seeing. But I’m going to worry less about it and focus on creating what I want to draw. However, I’ll reintroduce Voting Polls, so you can continue to shape the content you see each month. I’ll curate the polls, so they don’t rely on the same multi-week process as before, and maybe we’ll have more than one each month. I’ll try to make it fun.


Following my grandfather’s death, I knew I was going to have to earn more money – but I’ve been a bit lax with that lately. My finances are dwindling, so I need to get on that. The most immediate way to deal with that is commissions – unfortunately. This will need to be a primary component of my schedule until I’m able to make enough money through other means.

In putting more focus on commissions, however, I’ll have less time for other things; I’ll have to prioritize certain work items over others, and different responsibilities may shift back & forth in importance.

I hope it’s something that I can reliably make work, since sell-able products take longer to produce.


Beaumont Comic

I’m still in the middle of writing the script, but I am several drafts in. It is taking much longer to write this than the prototype because it is bigger than anything I’ve made before. So, although the basic story has been outlined, its specifics need ironing out: characters, interactions, narrative flow, story beats, etc.

The project still requires a lot of concept art: character & set designs. It’s important that I have a clear idea of how everything will look & feel before beginning, and that’ll take a lot of tinkering. Check out previous concept art posts here: [1] [2] 

Here’s a sneak peek at the outline, teasing some of the early scenes (as of current).

Dragon Breast

As previously mentioned, the script has been completed. The scope of the project is much smaller & less serious (ending at 12 pages), but it still needs a bit of concept art before I can begin. Though it should be much easier to begin than the Beaumont comic. Not yet sure when that will be, but it’s on the radar. Previous concept art posts here: [1] 

So, here’s a sneak peek! Very silly!

Anyway, that’s enough for now. I’m going to be returning to work soon.

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.



I know you've been feeling burnout for a while, and I wish I knew what to suggest to help out with it. I'll still support you no matter what you do, because you're cool and you deserve it. Games, art, just sitting there playing games, whatever - I'm cool with it.

Shawn Heatherly

Restructuring the Patreon some sounds just fine to me, easing some of your burden.


I remember you were advertising your work in dreams in this patreon at one point, and am glad you are considering game development. I'm personally invested in whatever you do, not just art. If you wanna try something else for a time, I'm willing to stick around and see it.