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Patreon has been experiencing some outages over the last few days, so I hope you haven’t been too inconvenienced by that. Anyway, it's a new month.

As you no doubt know, I've been experiencing some severe anxiety lately around my work, so I'm going to try to take it easy for a bit this month; at least for the first week or so. It's a rough time to balance work & relaxation, but my relationship with work has to change.  I'm not getting anywhere with my current habits, and I can't risk getting sick -- that's worse for long-term productivity.

I need to work on some larger projects that can generate passive income. We've talked a bit about it in the Discord Server. I need time to breathe and think first.

I know things are pretty tough for some of you out there too, so if there's anything I can do to help you, just let me know. I always want to provide you with the best experience I can. Thank you for all your support.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



You know the same goes for you, right? If there's anything we can do to further help you, just let us know.