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Make sure to check the Dropbox Archive if you have access to it, so you can keep up with everything that has been drawn so far. You might notice some Snow Daze related artworks in there, which might happen from time to time as I do some side work for Outbreak Games.

I've been trying to take it easy lately and not overwork. It's really difficult...

It would be nice to get some summer-themed illustrations out on social media this month, so I might post the Dungeon Master Illustrations earlier than usual on Twitter. The Concept Art post for this month is still undecided, but it's something I'm trying to build organically.

Works in Progress

The only sketch here that I'm actually certain about is the first one, featuring Bodyslide Girl. We don't get to see her very often, so be sure to thank the Dungeon Masters by offering up your soul to me! The third sketch is the most tentative, as I'm not entirely sure which of the ideas I plan to commit to for that specific Dungeon Master.

I expect these illustrations to be my primary focus for the upcoming week. 

Voting Gauntlet

Elayne embarks on a quest to defeat the undead lord of a nearby castle... 
What fate will befall upon Elayne? You decide!

This month's Voting Gauntlet allows patrons to help determine Elayne Beaumont's fate, and it is an easy opportunity to draw a bad end for her. So if you've got a monster or a trap you'd like to see a "Game Over" style illustration built around, that might interest you.

The Voting Gauntlet is still new to this Patreon, so I'll go through the process again.

  • Stage 01: Patrons send in ideas based on the prompt.
  • Stage 02: I select a few of those ideas and create a voting poll to vote on.
  • Stage 03: The winning scenario will receive an illustration based on it.

A lot of ideas were sent in by patrons for both the Voting Gauntlet & Sketch Suggestions, and I really appreciate it! This month has probably had the most enthusiastic response that I've seen in a while, and it's great to have a lot more options to choose from.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



Yaaaaaay that Elaynebutt