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I did not want to post an update until I had enough content to post about, so this feed post came out much later than usual. Thank you for your patience.

Work Schedule

Over the last few months, I’ve been making slight adjustments to my schedule and work habits. This month, I’m trying to maintain a 4-day work week.

That means my workdays are Monday – Thursday, giving me a 3-day weekend instead of a 2-day one. I hope this will give me adequate time to rest and help separate time for work & play. It also means that my weekends will be more forgiving; even if the first day is wasted, I’ll still have 66% of it left. 

Which isn’t to say that I won’t be drawing on my weekends – just that I won’t be working, making it an ideal for relaxation and devoting time to personal projects.

I’m entering my second weekend under this model, and I enjoyed last weekend.

Health Concerns: Eyesight

I’ve been experiencing a bit of eye strain while working lately this month. It doesn’t happen all the time, but enough times to be noticeable. Stuff just gets a tiny bit blurrier than they should be. It could just be that I’m staring at a computer screen for hours without a break, so I’m going to try being more mindful about this and rest my eyes from time to time.

99% of my life revolves around my computer screen though, haha…

I just want to take it easy for now, so I don’t have much to say. Until next time.

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.



Hmm... well, here's hoping you can get your eyes checked soon. I know you're worried about COVID and all that now, but it may be more important to get them checked rather than wait too much longer. Maybe you can think of something to help cover the costs that won't be terribly high-stress or high-workload for you? Also, I hope the 4-day workweek helps you relax and still gives you time to get stuff done. I know what it's like to have weekends get "wasted" and it can really suck and lead to burnout too quick if you aren't careful.

André dos Santos

Might need a vacation. Stress + squinting at a screen in a dark room will screw your eyes up. Maybe take a week or two off