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Starting July 1st, Patreon is going to be required, by law, to start applying sales tax/VAT/GST to some pledges from patrons in parts of the US and 17 other countries. 

Given everything going on right now, this is less than ideal. I want my Patreon to be accessible to you. Fortunately, we have 2 months to minimize the impact this will have on you. This post will serve to give you relevant info and what I plan to do about it. I will do everything I can to save you money.

What do you need to know?

  • Patreon will automatically apply tax rates depending on the content of our reward tiers.
  • Patreon estimates that less than half of all patrons will be affected.
  • In most cases, you may only be taxed a few cents to an extra dollar.

What am I going to do?

  • Later this month, Patreon will give us the tools to optimize & minimize sales tax.
  • If possible, I will completely remove this new sales tax. 
  • If necessary, we might have to consider changing our pricing… 

What should you do?

  • Inform me, RIGHT AWAY, if the sales tax is too much for you.

Remember: this Patreon is designed with both you & I in mind. Be sure to communicate. Until we have the tools and information to better understand this, we'll just have to wait.

Patreon will send an email about these changes on June 1st, so I imagine we’ll have a better idea of how this change will affect you at that time. If you’re interested in seeing more specific information, you can do so HERE.

Don’t forget to eat & sleep.

EDIT: Forgot to link you to the page to get more info.

EDIT: Just re-sending the notification to this post in case you haven't seen it.



Now I get it kinda bad since my country has a 25% product tax (the highest on the list) I have made efforts to cull my Patreon donation amount preemptively to be able to not be hit by it. Was a good excuse to cut spending


Yeah, same. I'm in the US so the hit might not be so bad, but it really sucks to have to cut out some other Patreons


Well I'm part of European Union and we are paying taxes (VAT - value added tax) for years. Nothing changes for us. It is regular tax for every purchase. I have been paying it for years. I think you will be able to save US citizens from taxes because donations are not taxable in most states.