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Gasp! It's only been two days since the last Dungeon Master Illustration, and you're getting another one already?! Yeah. This time, featuring Amaranth, who you can acquaint yourself with via the Beaumont Prototype comic.

He seems to have gotten himself stuck in a rather revealing Umbra Witch outfit. But it's an armor upgrade, so the defense values are technically higher... I guess it's okay then!

The direction of this piece was initially very different, but I wanted to challenge myself in a different way with it. So I went with a full-body shot. The rendering was a bit tricky for me too, because the entire outfit is black, so all of its colours were really close to one another. Plus, there's quite a bit of noise in the design, with these long vertical lines in repetition too. There's still a bit of muddiness in the rendering, but it turned out good enough!

Long Hair Variant Included.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.




Amaranth can have little a tiddywindow as a treat